Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Movement Continues

The belief of French philosopher Voltaire:
The Bible and Christianity would pass within a hundred years. He died in 1778. The Movement continues.

The pronouncement of Friedrich Nietzche in 1882:
"God is dead." The dawn of science, he believed, would be the doom of Faith. Science has dawned; the Movement continues.

The way a Communist dictionary defined the Bible:
"It is a collection of fantastic legends without any scientific support." Communism is diminishing; the Movement continues.

The discovery made by every person who has tried to bury the Faith:
The same as the one made by those who tried to bury its Founder: He won't stay in the tomb.

The facts:
The Movement has never been stronger. Over one billion Catholics and nearly as many protestants.

The question:
How do we explain it? Jesus was a backwater peasant. He never wrote a book, never held an office. He never journeyed more than two hundred miles from His hometown. Friends left Him. One betrayed Him. Those He helped forgot Him. Prior to His death they abandoned Him. But after His death they couldn't resist Him. What made the difference?

The answer:
His death and resurrection. For when He died, so did our sin. And when He rose, so did our hope. For when He rose, your grave was changed from a final residence to a temporary housing.

The reason He did it:
The face in your mirror (go check)

The verdict after two millenniums:
Herod was right: there is room for only one King.

Now for you:
Is He that king?
I am Femimage

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

You CAN DO...nothing

"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." John 15:5

You can go 200 miles on a treadmill but without the earth, you're GOING nowhere. That you're "going" is the deception but you're actually not leaving a spot without the earth under your feet.
In the same way, without Christ, you can do nothing. You can continue to write the list of people who are DOING this great thing or that amazing stuff yet they don't even know Jesus. You may envy them because they are having results. Things go their way all the time. But here is the verdict...all will come to nought. You only need to pay attention to the scripture to squeeze the juicy truth out of it. It says "for without Me you CAN DO nothing" (emphasis mine). It could have put it this way "for without Me you CANNOT DO anything", but it didn't.
Without Christ, you can still do...only that it will become nothing at the end. Many people are in the "CAN DO" team these days and they don't even know they are no longer in Christ. What you're DOING is not a good parameter for knowing your stand in Christ. Do you know that it is possible that you may be working miracles, signs, wonders and all that kind in the name of Jesus and Jesus Himself no longer knows you? (See Luke 13:27)

Apostle Paul said "I die daily" (1 Cor. 15:31 Nkjv). That's to check his stand with his Saviour on a daily basis. Daily suffering with Christ, daily crucifixion with Christ, daily burial with Christ, Daily resurrection with Christ, daily Baptism with Christ...that's the way to have Him with us all the way. Watch your position regularly even if you think you're standing. (1 Cor. 10:12). Watch your radial frequently, sailor of Christ. You can't wait till you see Him on the judgment seat to know your stand in Him. Run constant spiritual check up on yourself regularly. Don't be carried away by activities, be SURE you are synchronised with Him.

1. I Can Handle This:
No matter is too small to get God involved in. We can do NOTHING-be it small or great-without Him. Talk to Him in prayer about everything and anything.

2. I Did this:
You can do NOTHING. No matter what we do, if we are in Christ, our sufficiency will still be of Him. 2Cor. 3:5. 1Cor. 15:10. After king Nebuchadnezzar returned from the Institute for the Ingrate, he knew no man can do a thing except God permits it so.

Brothers and sisters, step out of the league of those who CAN DO...nothing. Let Christ permeate the entirety of your being and your reward is guaranteed both here and hereafter.

Please note this: the Bible is not a novel-don't treat it as such. Reading between the lines does not include. It's an open straight Word from God. Just read with open mind and ask Holy Spirit to guide you and you will see great and mighty things which you do not know (Jer. 33:3)

I am Femimage