Monday, September 23, 2013

Keep Off (1)

Have you seen "DANGER" sign on electric power transformer before? And have you needed any advice to keep away from the blood drying engine?
We're supposed to flee from things that can kill us, and if we can yield to human warning by not tampering the electric power transformer because of possible danger, how can we not keep off from stuffs the all-Wise God has labelled "DANGER" ?
You and I know the immense positive contribution we get from electricity but we dare not forget the dangers attached to it when abused! As we avoid messing around electric power transformer so should we stay clear from sexual immorality. Apostle Paul issued this clear order:
"Flee from sexual immorality". (ICor. 6:18) i.e. flee from the dangerous enjoyment of sexual pleasure outside of God's wise design for its enjoyment in marriage.

So how are you doing at fleeing?
I am Femimage

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